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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Day 17 – Wheat Ridge, CO and Denver, CO

Miles driven today: 2
Cumulative miles: 3628

I got up at 8:30am and Daniel rolled out of bed a good half hour later. We decided to check the Colorado Rockies (Major League Baseball) schedule and see if there was a game today. Turns out they were playing against the Padres at 1:09pm and tickets were reasonable ($4 to $75 each). Daniel picked out seats and got tickets for him, Amanda, and me.

Since the game wasn’t until later, Daniel and I went to the auto parts store for some oil and a filter (being nearly 3,700 miles into the trip, it was definitely time for an oil change). Daniel changed the oil and we chilled out for a bit.

Sometime after 12:30pm, we walked a short distance to the city bus. The ride was about 30 minutes, but I napped through most of it (I can sleep just about anywhere). We got off the bus just a few blocks from Coors Field where the Rockies play. It was a little chilly, but it was fun to spend the afternoon watching baseball (neither Daniel nor I had been to a major league game in the ten and a half years we’ve been together and Amanda hadn’t been in years either). The Rockies won 4-2 and we left the stadium around 4:00pm. The bus didn’t come for another half hour or more because of traffic, so we didn’t get back to the house until after 5:00pm. At least this gave Dave some quiet time to work on homework.

We all decided on Italian for dinner, so Dave called in a take-out order and he and Amanda went to pick it up a short time later. The food was excellent and the portions huge, so I think there will be enough leftovers for at least a week.

We watched a DVD of MXC (Most Extreme Challenges) which is footage from an eighties Japanese game show called Takeshi’s Castle that is dubbed over with funny commentary. The challenges are ridiculous things like roller skating in a horse suit, swinging on a rope over mud to try to land on a tiny platform, or running through a maze while being chased by monsters. If you’ve never seen it, it is good, stupid fun to watch.

I managed to make it through the whole DVD before the full stomach and fatigue made me pass out on the couch before 8:00pm. I was crappy company and told Amanda and Dave that it’s actually a compliment that their house is cozy and comfortable enough to fall asleep on the couch. Their cat must’ve thought we were cozy and comfortable, too as he curled up and slept on me and Daniel. Their other cat is a little more shy. He came out to see us this morning, but seems to have forgotten that we are okay people and went into hiding again. Their dog, on the other hand, seems to like everyone. Daniel woke me up about 10:00pm and we all headed to bed.

Miles hiked/ walked: ~.5


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