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it be?

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Term 1: Mission Accomplished

Today was my last day of Term 1 in my master's program. I think I survived the last few days on caffeine as I got only 2.5 hrs of sleep last night and 4 hrs the previous night. I'm tired, but not sleepy. The last week or so consisted of:
-a 10 minute oral Chinese final
-a 2 page research/ analysis paper for International Relations
-a 2 hour/ 3 essay question closed book final for International Relations
-an 8 page (@ 1.5 spacing, so more like 10 pages) research paper for Sustainability
-an enormously difficult final (4 sections totalling up to 8 pages when done) for Economics
-a 7 page group research paper for Economics
-a 15 minute group presentation on the research paper for Economics

I figured out that we have written more than 40 pages of papers and read well over 1000 pages for the combined classes. And all this in just an 8 week term!

So, needless to say I am going to have fun this weekend before I start back to school (next Tuesday), possibly going to the beach with some classmates. My classes for next term are: Chinese, Contemporary Global Marketing, Accounting for Global Enterprises, Global Human Resource Management, and Introduction to Cross Cultural Communications. I am dreading the accounting class. I never did well in my undergrad accounting classes. Oh well--it's just 8 weeks that I have to struggle through.

And how cool is it that Mt. St. Helens has been active again?!?! I am getting tired of it being on the news all the time, but it's intriguing anyway. For those of you that were around this area and remember when it blew in 1980, I'm curious to know what it was like. Where were you at? Did you see it? Was there a lot of ash where you were at? Post your experience in the comments if you would like.

Also, I know I don't get to talk to or see many of you right now since I am so busy, so please feel free to check up with me by leaving a comment on this site (click the comment link below). I am notified by email when I recieve a comment, so I will try to watch for them and post replies when I can. You can ask me about my life or let me know what's going on with you or just generate some interesting dialogue with an enlightening random question. Hope everyone is doing well and staying sane.